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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Prepping for an upgrade: Building a Computer to run D800 or D600

Hello all, its been  sometime since my last post.  At this time I think its time to upgrade from my d700 and take a look at something new.  I've had my eye on the D800, but the D600 although, a step in the wrong direction, looks very enticing.  My Laptop probably has a few months on my camera or the other way around.  The i5 is still nice and speedy, but hard drive and 4gigs of ram won't cut it for these beast machines.  I played with a raw or 2 in photoshop cs5 which actually worked better than expected, but like I said playing around.  Had I started adding layers and tons of manip my laptop may have tried to give up the ghost.  Also, I do 90% of my work in Lightroom which means one way or another its time for an upgrade. 

 What I've decided is that building my own machine is the way to go, hopefully not a very expensive learning lesson.  I've decided to forgo giving dell my hard earned dollars this time around and give it a shot myself.  Funny thing is I've scoured the Internet looking for help building a computer geared toward portrait photographers/photographers/photoshop and surprisingly didn't find to much.  So, with that said I hope to make this a journey that people in the same boat as me will be able to hopefully find some useful advice and helpful info.  I did however find one very good blog which I not sure how active the blogger is anymore, but with some great build info which got me started.  I most def  check out his site great pics and great advice. you can find the site here Great photoshop Cs6 computer build.

 Again, I hope my build goes will and I plan on blogging about the experience hopefully when I decided d800 or d600 to post some vids on the build to supply further help. Thats all for now please keep shooting.