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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Learning While Behind The Scenes

Its been quite sometime since I last posted to the blog.  Life and work just sometimes has a way of depriving you of doing the things that bring you joy.  With that said, the first lesson of the day is to take time to do things that bring you joy.  Even if you can only take 15mins-1hr, take it and try to make the most of your time. 

The above pic was taken during a photo-shoot setup by one of my good friends and fellow photographers Madar't photography .  He is a great guy to work with always willing to share his knowledge.  On this particular shoot there were a total of 4 photographers.  O yes, it was paparazzi time down at the waterfront. Not to mention the fact that the models cousin was shooting video :-) .  I did grab a few pics that day, but I wanted to explore the bigger picture, thus my b.t.s photo.  When your actually the main photographer your focus is mainly on the model and your lights.  you lose focus sometimes of the bigger picture and how beautiful and sometimes complex the entire setup could be.  This day I decided for the most part to sit back and watch and learn how the other photographers interacted with the talent in front of their lens and the people (ie,v.a.l.s-voice activated light stands).  I also was looking for a shot in my head that couldn't have been conceived just shooting the model.  This pic to me captured the essence of the day, the hard work put in by those assisting the main photographer.  Not to mention the lengths that the photographer will go to to capture that one killer image.

Closing thoughts.  I promised myself I would only write a few lines.  Guess not.  But if your able to shoot with another photographer, I would suggest that you step back for a day or a few frames and try to capture some behind the scenes images.  I think it will help to broaden your photographic eye, help you capture or create an image that you may have never thought of  before or give you a chance to look at a photo shoot from an entirely different perspective.

Here are a few other photos I captured during this shoot, but for me this bts was the best pic I took all day.  Until next time take care keep shooting and try to find time to do what makes you happy.


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